Our Mission

The ministry of Church of the Risen Lord has a two-fold mission in accomplishing the vision:


The foundation of true abundance is not built on material things, i.e. money, a good job, position/title, etc. For these things, although used by God to bless our lives, are just a by-product of the real source of happiness in our lives – a growing relationship with God.

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”
- Matthew 6:33

Church of the Risen Lord’s first step to producing abundance is to nurture, bring healing and deliverance to our spirit as our intimacy with God develops. Through sound teaching of the Word of God with simplistic truth, Church of the Risen Lord seeks to usher the people of God into true abundant life in Jesus Christ in every area of their lives.

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as they soul prosper.”
- III John 1:2


Church of the Risen Lord has established Ministries to help meet the practical needs of individuals. We believe spiritual growth parallels with growth in the practical areas of our lives. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we must discipline ourselves to properly nourish and be good stewards in our health, finances, relationships, possessions and other practicalities in order for God to maximize His full potential in us to accomplish His will on earth.